Control Centre
This page is literally the control centre of your business. It is designed to be able to give the boss an up-to-date view of what is happening with regards to who is working on what and when companies are getting followed up etc.
To add an organisation to the control centre page, simply view their page, or add them as an organisation if they are not already in the system.
On their page, click on the "Control Centre" tab and fill in all the information.
When you enter a date in the "Next Contact Date" field the system will add that to the calendar for the relevant person (whoever you select for the "Responsibility" field).
The "Person Responsible" and "Priority" fields are also shown on any Opportunities that are created for that Organisation.
The system will also send out an email reminder to that person with an iCal attachment for them to add to their own calendar that supports the ical format, such as MS Outlook or the Apple iCal app.