Organisations are the companies that you deal with. You can have companies that you sell to as well as companies that you buy from.
To import organisations, view the Organisations page and click on the "Import" button. There are 5 options to choose from:
New organisations - Click this to import new organisations
New contact types - Click this to import contact types (email, phone etc) to organisations you already have in the system
New addresses - Click this to import addresses to organisations you already have in the system
New people - Click this to import people to organisations you already have in the system
New people contact types - Click this to import contact types (email, phone etc) to people you already have in the system
Importing data involves 2 steps
Step 1
Select the file (CSV/XLS) on your computer and upload it to the server
Step 2
Map the columns in your file to the fields in the database